Villain Cultivator

Chapter 632 Mao Miaomiao VS Heavenly Dao Universe (4)

An abnormally large-sized bicolor cat sang as he skated on the top of the Blood River of Karmic Souls. He dragged a string of karma like a leash, pulling a certain handsome angel with him.

Devil, who had reconstructed his fleshly body and used the appearance of human Miaomiao, looked at Mu-Nyang in confusion.

A few hours ago, Mu-Nyang and Minghe fought, and the former won!

Minghe, Asura tribesmen, and Kishin Douji ran away. Mu-Nyang chased them off this entire Sage Star of Minghe and store the entire Sage Star in his dantian universe.

Now, Devil got stuck inside Mu-Nyang\'s dantian along with countless true souls of Heavenly Dao\'s non-entities. Currently, a wisp of Mu-Nyang stayed with him like how Miaomiao operated in two dimensions at once.

Devil examined Mu-Nyang\'s dantian world. It looked pixelated, and many system menus floated around everywhere. Many planets looked like Minecraft Worlds while strange civilizations occupied the majority of stellar stars.

Also, additional universes could be seen from here. With keen eyes, Devil could see across the universe and noticed a bubble balloon, protecting the dantian universe.

Outside, there was another bubble, and several clusters of galaxies were inside!

Mu-Nyang didn\'t only have one dantian universe!

Devil looked around. He found several bubbles!

There were definitely at least four or five universes here!

Moreover, Devil noticed several pseudo-sages cathulhu flying around in the universe while several sages, who were humongous cats, traveled across the bubbles. Traces of Great Dao Law, which was similar to Heavenly Dao, gave Devil goosebumps.

This dantian universe didn\'t belong to a pseudo-sage! He was beyond that!

"Mu-Nyang, who are you?! You\'re definitely not just a sage!"

Mu-Nyang smirked, "You only need to know that I\'m your family, munya!"

"But I\'m not your kin. I only have the surname [Mao] in my first life."

"I consider you as a family not because of your name, munya. It\'s your clone that relates to you. Anyone that relates to my family members is my family, munya!"

Devil had a wry smile on his face. He believed it wasn\'t that simple as Mu-Nyang openly used Devil\'s true soul and karma strings as a medium to communicate with Metatron and Uriel about something that he couldn\'t hear.

Mu-Nyang continued, "Also, without you and Mao Miaomiao\'s existence, how can I control the Trumpet Alliance, munya?"

"So, you want me and my clones to be your chess pieces, am I right?"

Mu-Nyang smirked. He looked up as if he sensed the prying eye of the supreme beings.

"Pangu has been messing with me 25 million times. Why can\'t I mess with him to return the favor, munya?"

"W-What?! You… you knew about the resets?!"

"I knew what you did in the last 25 million loops, munya. And to be honest, I\'m not impressed, munya!"

"So, you\'re at least a sage."

"Divine Theocracy Entity to be exact, munya. I\'m on the same realm as Pangu."


In terms of cultivation beyond the Sage Realm, there was an Unrestrained Sage Realm. Then, Great Dao Sage stood on top of those two realms.

But Devil had never heard of Divine Theocracy Sage!

What realm was this?! Equal to Pangu, the owner of Heavenly Dao?!

This news was huge. The uprising of Mu-Nyang could even flip the Sage Realms upside down!

Devil nodded. Now, he understood how Mu-Nyang easily forced Minghe, Asura tribesmen, and Kishin Douji to flee with their tails between their legs.

Kishin Douji, whom Devil tried so hard to kill, screamed in fright in the presence of Mu-Nyang!

Devil sighed and bowed his head, "So, what\'s next?"

"You wait here until I\'m done fishing, munya."

"Fishing? What are you fishing for?"

"Other sages, Hongjun, and Pangu, munya."

Devil narrowed his eyes. His instinct cried that Mu-Nyang was more ambitious than it seemed.

"Are you betraying Pangu? Will you destroy Heavenly Dao?"

"I never betrayed anyone, munya. It\'s Pangu that betrayed me. He is openly hunting me down, munya. Since he is hunting me down, I will hunt him down as well, munya!"

"But it doesn\'t make sense. My clone is Pangu\'s chess piece. If Pangu is your enemy, why did you help Mao Miaomiao?"

"Have you ever played Shoki, munya?"

"Japanese Shoki Chess?"

Mu-Nyang widely grinned. Before he could explain what he had been scheming, Devil sensed an oppressive aura of Hongjun from outside of the dantian universe.

"Excuse me, munya. It\'s time to massacre arrogant sages and liberate Heavenly Dao Universe!"

Something happened to Mu-Nyang\'s real body on the outside. Devil clicked his tongue as he couldn\'t witness the fight between sages.

Lilim and Divine Palace\' Battlefield

After exchanging ranged attacks for ten minutes, both armies were at a stalemate.

Dragons were stronger than what the Divine Palace\'s executives had imagined. These giant creatures blocked their immortal-grade cannonballs with ease while they counterattacked with dragon breaths.

The archangels played a big role in handling the dragon\'s breaths. However, they could not finish off Jormungandr, who kept poisoning them with his Providence Law Domain.

Countless domains of Law overlapped and complicated the battlefield. Some abilities worked while some were canceled, causing confusion and chaos.

Fleshly bodies turned to either ashes or blood mist. Souls were shattered and destroyed, causing negative karma clouds to gather on the battlefield.

On the flagship of Divine Palace\'s fleet, a Buddhist monk, who had been wearing sunglasses, sat cross-legged, staring at his guests.

Joshua and the chief bodyguard of Great Buddha, aka the Monkey King, stood side by side, looking at the two guests in anger.

Xie Tian and Xie Qingtian sat cross-legged as well, facing OG-Buddha.

OG-Buddha leaned forward and stared into Xie Tian\'s eyes, "If you lie, this sin will latch on your soul for the rest of eternity."

Xie Tian was expressionless, "Everything I said is the truth."

"Then, whose side are you on? Mu-Nyang or Pangu?"

"Obviously Mu-Nyang."

"What about your master\'s opinion?"

"Which one? Nuwa or Mao Miaomiao?"


"Regardless of what they choose, I\'ll join forces with Mu-Nyang. If they choose Pangu, I\'ll cut ties with them."


OG-Buddha took off his sunglasses and lifted one of his knees to adjust his sitting posture. He facepalmed as if he had a severe headache.

"If everything you said is true, this situation is so messed up and doesn\'t make any sense. Mao Miaomiao is a chess piece of Pangu, and you\'re a chess piece of Nuwa, who is obviously on Pangu\'s faction. You\'re also a sentinel of Mao Miaomiao, so you are practically on Pangu\'s ship on paper. Mu-Nyang considers Mao Miaomiao and Devil as his family members while Pangu is nurturing Mao Miaomiao. And then, OUT OF NOWHERE, Mu-Nyang and Pangu become enemies, and they are trying to kill each other! You came up to me and said that you will switch sides to Mu-Nyang\'s faction while you remain as Mao Miaomiao\'s sentinel and Nuwa\'s chess piece!? What the hell is going on here?! Who is siding with who? I\'m confused!"

"That\'s why you should side with Mu-Nyang, Buddha. Devil and his 12 clones have already jumped ship, and I\'m going to send my men to his faction and convince Mao Miaomiao to change sides as well."

"You\'re rebelling against Heavenly Dao, Xie Tian. I don\'t know you anymore. Are you still Nuwa\'s chess piece, or are you working for Mu-Nyang now?"

"Technically, I\'m Nuwa\'s subordinate by oath, but my heart belongs to Mu-Nyang and my master."


"Pangu is the one betraying us. He won\'t just reset the entire Heavenly Dao Universe, but he will erase the entire Great Dao and Chaos Realm for the sake of killing Mu-Nyang!"

"And how did you know all of that?"

"Obviously from Mu-Nyang. I also saw a future timeline that was ruined by Pangu. He can\'t be trusted!"


OG-Buddha rolled his eyes and shook his head. He didn\'t believe in Xie Tian.

The story was ridiculous. No one would believe that.

He looked at Joshua and the Monkey King. The latter glared at Xie Tian and Xie Qingtian, "Xie Tian, do you know what type of men I hate the most?"

Xie Tian glanced at the monkey god, "Let me guess, a backstabber."

"A backstabber and a liar. You are either one of them."

"Of course. Go ahead and curse me to death. I don\'t mind. But if you do, please explain your deed to Mao Miaomiao so that he can torture and kill Lu Fengxian right away."

Enraged, the monkey god summoned his myth-grade staff and unleashed his Law Domain, but Joshua took a few steps and stood in front of the raging war god to stop him.

Joshua furrowed his brows and glared at Xie Tian, "This will be the last time that I can help you and Mao Miaomiao. After today, we are strangers."

Xie Tian smirked, "So, you won\'t follow Devil and Trumpet Alliance to join Mu-Nyang?"

"I was born from Heavenly Dao. I can\'t afford to destroy it."

"If you don\'t destroy it, Pangu will still destroy it."

"Then, let him be."

"That\'s hypocrisy, Joshua."

"It\'s called loyalty, Lord Time God."


The atmosphere was dark and gloomy as Xie Tian, Xie Qingtian, the Monkey King, Joshua, and OG-Buddha emitted killing intent. A fight could break out at any time.

While the staring contest was underway, a second-generation angel came to update the battle situation.

"Report! Lord Metatron and Lord War God Buddha have critically injured Jormungandr. Lilim Army is withdrawing!"

OG-Buddha waved his hand, "Tell the men to pull back. We will resume marching and returning Mao Miaomiao\'s family and subordinate to the Aves Continent. Then, we\'ll leave."

The monk glanced at Xie Tian and Xie Qingtian, "I won\'t be seeing you off. You may leave."

Xie Qingtian stood up, but Xie Tian had a bitter expression on his face, "Won\'t you join us, Buddha?"

"My heart belongs to Great Buddhism. I don\'t do politics."

"Even Great Buddha Sage won\'t?"

"That\'s up to him, not me."


Xie Tian slowly stood up and sighed. He saluted everybody, but no one returned his salute.

The monkey king pointed at the sky, gesturing to Xie Tian to leave the flagship.

"I\'ll see you on the battlefield, Sun Wukong."

The monkey god snorted, "You\'ve picked the wrong side, Time God."

Outskirt of the second chained network

While chaos was everywhere, Miaomiao was oblivious to the schemes and politics. He lightly punched and knocked away anyone that tried to strip his dress.

Some men fought each other to win over Miaomiao\'s favor at first. But after Miaomiao had been resisting their approach for several minutes, they stopped fighting and tried to strip his clothes instead.

It was vexing to be surrounded by horny men, who openly tried to ravish him. Moreover, for the sake of reeling big fishes, Miaomiao couldn\'t display his full strength and massacre these people.

Still, his physical strength surpassed ordinary immortals. The men soon found out about Miaomiao\'s physical strength.

"She\'s a physique cultivator!"

"So, that\'s why no one can take her down."

"Hahaha! This turns me on. I wonder who will get to taste her first."

"That\'s obviously me!"

Miaomiao had enough. He clenched his fist and was about to punch someone to death.

Suddenly, two streaks of lights flashed and two giant beams devoured nearby immortals.

The beams missed Miaomiao by several meters, and they didn\'t harm him. However, over 700 cultivators from the chained network were gone.

A second later, an elderly man with grey hair and a roman robe appeared before Miaomiao.

Behind Miaomiao, a muscular half-naked man with a trident appeared and grabbed Miaomiao\'s waist.

Both deities of Olympus commanded Miaomiao in unison, "Come with me!"


Miaomiao blankly stared at Zeus for a moment and glanced at Poseidon. He frowned.

"Excuse me?"

"Come with me obediently!"

Again, both men spoke the same words. But this time, they activated their Law Domain and instantly transformed local men into ashes. Their treasures, spatial rings, and weapons floated in space.

Miaomiao pretended to yield. He looked back and forth between the two great gods, "Who should I follow?"


"No, me!"

"Hey, brat! Stop stealing my concubine!"

"Fuck off, Zeus. I saw her first!"

"Screw you, she\'s mine!"

"A geezer like you can\'t possibly handle a physique cultivator. Look at me, I\'m fitter to make more babies!"

"You think you\'re cool because you look younger, ah?! You want me to cut your dick and shove it down your throat?"

"Keep that up, and I\'ll dethrone you one of these days!"

"Bring it, punk!"

The two gods suddenly transformed into galactic giants and started throwing punches at each other.

A few seconds later, two huge generals who had been fighting them earlier brandished their weapons and attacked them.


Poseidon and Zeus turned around and attacked the incoming generals. Their 2v2 match resumed.

Miaomiao stared blankly at the battle of the gods. He tried to sneak away quietly.

But as Miaomiao flew further for 100 meters, a platoon of a young general stopped him.

Li Xin sized up Miaomiao\'s figure and face. He grinned and nodded, "As expected of that guy, he has good taste. Hey, bitch. You come with me. The Great Emperor of Qin demands your pussy."

Miaomiao inwardly cursed at Li Xin. That was not the right way to invite a peerless beauty.

Li Xin grabbed Miaomiao\'s arm and tried to pull him closer. However, Miaomiao didn\'t budge.

As Miaomiao\'s frustration had been piling, he vented it on Li Xin. He punched him to the gut.


The raw power, refined by countless destruction and reconstruction of supreme gravity law of Eden Garden\'s Pagoda, revealed its strength.

With one hit, Li Xin\'s stomach was burst open, and a gaping hole was created. The deity\'s fleshly body was half-destroyed.

"Scram. I like women."

Miaomiao followed up with a left hook.


Li Xin\'s head was shattered like a watermelon being hit by a sled hammer.

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